Impressing Your Dental Patients Before Treatment Even Begins
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First impressions are very important for the success of your dental business. Even before you perform treatment on a dental patient, there are ways to make these initial impressions very positive ones. Utilizing a few simple ways to impress your dental patients early on will help establish trust, build and retain a client base, and gain referrals.
Impressing Patients Before Treatment
Below are a few ways to make your dental patient’s initial impressions of your office and your staff positive ones:
- First phone call – Make sure the staff members you have answering the phones are friendly, personable, and knowledgeable. Your patient’s initial phone call is his or her first impression of your dental office, so do all you can to make it a good one!
- Paperwork – We all know that paperwork is a chore. To make a better impression on your patients, make sure your new patient paperwork is clear, concise, and easy to read and fill out.
- Greeting – Make sure that your front desk is staffed with people who are friendly and personable. Each patient should be welcomed as soon as they enter the office and the treatment or procedure verified.
- Consultation – During a new patient’s initial consultation, it’s important to leave enough time for your patient to ask questions or voice any concerns about their oral health. Get to know your patient’s dental health goals as well.
- Initial exam – During the exam, you can discuss what you’re doing, but make sure to use language that the patient can understand. Using technical language or eliminating your patient from the conversation can damage rapport.
- Follow-up – Lastly, a follow-up phone call should be made by a member of the staff. This phone call can be used to answer questions or to go over any recommended treatment.
Here at CTC National, we know how important first impressions are. We’re happy to offer training to your front office staff and the staff members you have on the phone and greeting patients in order to give your patients the best first impression possible. For more information on how we can help, please contact CTC National today! We are a dental management company and one of the premier dental consulting firms in the US.
Posted on Dec 10, 2018
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