There are a several ways your dental practice can be marketed online, but the main marketing forms are: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), reputation management, content marketing, PPC (Pay Per Click), and review generation. Most importantly you need a quality dental website that can be utilized in conjunction with these marketing forms. We know that, as a dentist running your own dental practice, you barely have enough time to deal with staff issues, provide quality dental care to your patients, and run the business side of the practice. You can’t possibly have enough time to become a marketing expert as well.
Luckily, CTC National is here to help you with any of your online marketing needs!
Dental Websites – Your website is perhaps your most valuable online marketing platform. We can guarantee that almost all of your patients are now using the Internet to do research about healthcare providers and to learn more about your practice. It’s important that your website is clean, simple, and easy to read and navigate. You want to have enough information to interest your potential clients, but not so much that they feel overwhelmed by the content.
SEO & Reputation Management – SEO is not difficult to do, however it does require some understanding, training, and experience. Implementing improper or poor SEO campaigns can lead to "banned" site presence on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEO uses certain key words or phrases inserted into your content that will allow people to easily find you when using a search engine. For example, if you’re an orthodontist in Wisconsin, your patients may be trying to search for the phrase “braces in Wisconsin.” If this exact phrase is also found on your website, you may show up earlier in the results.
SEO is vital to a successful online marketing campaign. Our partners will help you find and utilize as many of these tactics as they can for a successful (and cost-effective) online marketing campaign. It's important to also ensure you are aware of each step your SEO company is taking for you – you want to make sure you’re all on the same page!
Content Marketing – In an attempt to get the most out of SEO, many websites provide plagiarized content. This has resulted in many websites that contain unoriginal, meaningless, and useless content. Search engines are now able to detect this low-quality content and will penalize websites for using it.
PPC - Pay Per Click is one the most simple ways to increase online presence. Unlike SEO which takes time to grow, Pay Per Click places ads for you immediately at the top of any search the PPC is deployed. There are many types of PPC campaigns. However, for any PPC campaign you should utilize landing pages with calls-to-action and incentives to encourage patients to come in.
Review Generation - Many dentists think that by simply asking for reviews, they'll start coming in like a flood. This is not the case. Reviews take time and are not on the priority list for your patients. Although, many patients will gladly leave a review, they need reminders and convenience. Deploying a Review Generation campaign can aid in your efforts. Since over 80% of all online searches for medical help end with reviews, you should not neglect this important marketing tool.
The dental marketing companies we partner with are dedicated to providing you with fresh, and quality content for your website pages and blogs. Creating new, original content (such as weekly or monthly blogs) will boost your SEO score significantly.
Combining the three above factors can ensure that your online marketing is bringing in new clients and helping your dental practice become even more successful. The process of online marketing can be daunting for many dentists, but rest assured that CTC National is here to guide you through the process one step at a time. Give us a call today to get started on revitalizing your website and online marketing!
Read about trends within the dental industry, tips, secrets to success and more.
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