3 Tips on Retaining Your Dental Employees
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You may have had the expectation that you would hire an incredible dental staff immediately and then retain them until retirement! This expectation may be too good to be true, but there are a few ways for you to retain your dental employees for as long as possible.
There are many seminars, books, and programs dedicated to helping you retain and properly train your dental staff. We’ll go over just a few of the main points in this post.
Simple Ways to Retain Dental Staff
Below are some simple and easy-to-implement ways to show appreciation to your staff and retain them for years to come:
- Have a hierarchy in place – Choosing a reliable office manager may be the most important decision you make regarding staff hires. Once you have a manager who has been well-trained, he or she can be in charge of hiring new employees, training, dealing with staff issues, and making sure patients are kept happy.
- Make your expectations clear – If your staff hasn’t been properly trained and doesn’t have a clear understanding of their responsibilities, some problems may arise. These problems can include misunderstandings, staff conflicts, and chaos in your office. Avoid these problems by make sure each staff position has clear goals and expectations. When each member of your team knows what is expected of them, you’ll see fewer misunderstandings and conflict.
- Show appreciation to your staff – It may surprise you to learn that studies have shown that receiving regular positive reinforcements and appreciation can be more motivating than a monetary raise. If your team isn’t feeling noticed or appreciated, you may begin to see motivation waning and tasks going undone. Make sure each member of your staff knows what they are excelling at.
Here at CTC National, we can help you to make sure your staff is properly trained and give you more tips on how to retain them for years to come. For more information, please contact CTC National today.