New Year’s Resolutions for Your Dental Practice
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It can be easy to get wrapped up in the daily issues of your dental practice. We understand that your first priority should always be to take great care of your patients! But we also understand that if you let your dental marketing suffer, you’ll have fewer and fewer patients to care for.
Making Your Dental Practice Great In 2019
The New Year is a great excuse to reassess the goals of your dental practice and find new ways to meet these goals. Below are a few resolutions we’d recommend adopting into your practice for the New Year:
- Target Your Ideal Patients – Consider your practice’s ideal patient. How old is he/she? Where does he/she live? What are common dental issues for him/her? It’s true that everyone eventually needs to see a dentist. But each specialty and even each individual office will have a target audience. Discovering this target audience can be a huge asset to creating the perfect marketing program.
- Unique Selling Proposition – A unique selling proposition (USP) is a simple phrase that clearly outlines why patients should choose your practice instead of the others in your area. Ask yourself what makes your office special and unique, or how your office can solve issues common in dental practices to become better. Keep it short and simple, with an emphasis on exclusivity.
- Call to Action – A call to action is the part where you tell your prospective patient what to do next. A simple call to action would be “call today for an appointment!” A better call to action, which can also include a special offer, would be “call today for a free dental cleaning and exam!”
- Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep – Avoid exaggerating your services. Don’t promise things you can’t guarantee such as “a pain-free experience.” Hyping your office up may help you bring in new patients, but once they realize that hype is all it is, you’ll have a hard time retaining them.
- Use the Right Language – Don’t allow yourself to get too clinical when describing your services and procedures. Focusing too much on clinical language will make your prospective patients feel like you’re trying too hard to impress them. Be clear about the benefits of your office and use language on your consumer’s level
We want 2019 to be a successful and productive year for your dental practice! If you need help whipping your practice into shape for the new year, please contact CTC National to speak with a knowledgeable dental consultant today.