Common Mistakes In Creating An Effective Logo
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With the advent of the internet and the ability of consumers to access more information than ever, it’s important for your dental office to stand apart from the others. The best way to recognize a company and tell it apart from the others is by an effective and distinguishable logo.
Below is a list of 5 common mistakes you’ll want to avoid when creating a logo for your dental office:
- Amateur Design – It’s expensive to start a new dental practice. Because of this, you may be tempted to go with a cheap logo designer, or allowing a friend or family member to design your logo. This can result in a disastrous outcome! If your logo looks cheap, your practice will look unprofessional.
- Contains Stock Art – Your logo needs to be unique and original, not just because you want to stand apart from others, but also because of legal ramifications. If you allow an amateur to design your logo and you end up with stock art, you could be violating copyrights.
- Relies Too Much On Color – Some designers rely completely on the color of the logo, when choosing color should actually be your last decision! There will be certain times when your logo will need to be in black and white, which means that the color shouldn’t be used to distinguish too much in the design.
- Unprofessional Font – Choosing the right font might actually be the most important part of your logo design. You want the font to match the style of the logo, which can be a delicate balance. If it matches too closely, it will compete with the logo, but if it’s too different, the viewer will have a difficult time knowing where to focus.
- Overly Busy Design – If your design is too intricate or complex, the details will be lost at a distance. If printed in a small size, these details may even begin to look like smudges or mistakes. Think about the logos for Apple, Nike, or Target. Each one is simple and free of too many details.
We want to make sure you avoid these mistakes in order for your dental practice to be as successful as possible! For help designing your logo, or for more tips on building your dental practice, please contact CTC National!